I do have a relatively large food garden at my home, but growing food is time consuming and subject to many factors such as weather and diseases. This year was terrible, we had a very small harvest but we invested a LOT of work. This made me more interested in aqaponics and hydroponics.
I wrote about 3d printed aquaponics before but I researched more and found this small system.
It grows plants as part of small fish aquarium (10 gallon=37 liters) in 3d printed modules.
It loos good enough to start experimenting with spices, herbs and salads. Maybe also as a seed starter.
All the parts are here:
If you really want a small DIY aquaponics system that fits anywhere you can try with this one from Cascaqua that will enable you to grow some salad or spice herbs and features an organic moder design:
Cascaqua homepage with files:
If all else fails in your garden, Jerusalem Artichoke ALWAYS grow and require no care. They are tasty also and can be eaten raw.
3DPonics system: http://diy3dprinting.blogspot.com/2014/08/make-low-cost-diy-hydroponics-system.html
if you want to make your own growing strips for aquaponics, check this DY extruder: