Pi Top features (from the project page):
- Free Hardware Innovation Lessons: Pi-Top is where it starts. We will be building new content for Pi-Top users.Learn to 3D print, design PCBs and create your own products from start to finish.
- No Compromising on Quality: Mobile designs often use Bluetooth keyboards, that took away from the user experience. Enjoy using Raspberry Pi with a fully integrated laptop keyboard and track-pad with extra ports.
- Easy Component Access: A clear sliding panel allows access to the Raspberry Pi. Kickstarter DAY 1 editionPi-Tops will feature a lazer-etched panel design, as well as the standard clear panel.
- Raspbian Operating System: Once built your Raspberry Pi is ready to go. Start learning to program on the latest Raspbian OS.
- 6 - 8 Hour Battery Life & Wifi enabled: Battery time 6+ hours. Wifi enabled out of the box, Pi-Top is truly mobile.
- 13.3" Screen: No compromising on screen size. Enjoy using your Raspberry Pi with a 13.3" HD screen.
Pi Top homepage: http://www.pi-top.com/
Reddit thread where they presented their 3d printed prototype:
They used the following setup:
- Printer used: Rostock Max V2 kit - with E3D full metal hotend
- Filament: PLA 1.75mm nozzle: 205 Bed temp: 55 Speed: 70mm/sec
- Print time: 3 prints total (two pieces together and the two larger pieces seprately) roughly 160 hours of printing
- Support settings: KISSlicer with medium support, at 45 Degrees with a horizontal gap (from object) of 1mm.
- De-string Settings: Prime 5.5mm Suck: 5.4mm Wipe:5mm Z-lift: 1mm
- Notes from the creators: "PLA really keeps its shape well. We had to use floating beams in the STLs to achieve a rigid enough support structure so the model wouldn't wobble after 10 inches tall and ruin the print. We found KISSlicer worked the best in terms of support structure."